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MIS 2101 – Information Systems in Organizations

  • Information Systems in Organizations is the introductory course for Management Information Systems (MIS). In this course, we learned the applications of MIS in business as well as some of the tools used to present processes or data which include swim-lanes and entity relationship diagrams.

MIS 2402 – Data-Centric Application Development

  • In the Data-Centric Application Development course, we learned programming fundamentals through the use of open source software. Some of the topics that were introduced throughout the course was understanding the basic syntax of programming languages (HTML5, CSS, JavaScript), Single Page Architecture and using libraries and frameworks (Bootstrap & jQuery) to simplify application development.

MIS 2502 – Data Analytics

  • In the Data Analytics course, we learned how to interpret and understand the different forms of data as well as the applications in which businesses use them to solve problems. During the course, we used software tools including MySQL, Tableau, and R to analyze and modify the data provided to satisfy different business scenarios. 

MIS 3506 – Digital Solutions Studio 

  • In the Digital Solutions Studio course, we were learned the technical aspects of User Experience (UX) design. Throughout the course we were introduced to fundamental concepts and principles (conceptual models, system image, usability tests, heuristic evaluations, etc.) that we later applied to evaluate the design and experience of other websites as well as creating, testing, and revising our own user interfaces. 

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