Project 3
Project 3 – Digital Identity Management
Digital identity is what uniquely describes a person and their relationships online. College students are experts in social identity management (e.g., a change in status or an update on Facebook) and routinely take steps to shape reputation and manage networks[1]. The goal of this assignment is professional identity management and includes:
- Professional reputation: In your next team project, do you prefer working with individuals that are comparable in skill and career interests, or with a friend who will ‘free ride,’ or the person who happens to be sitting next to you? In this assignment, learn how to develop a professional reputation and build a professional network – a ‘digital brand.’
- Digital identity: When you apply for a job, employers will search for you online. Do you want them to find your Facebook page or a carefully curated digital identity that focuses on professional achievements? In this assignment, create a curated digital identity and apply analytics to analyze the impact.
- Social and knowledge systems: Organizations understand that innovation is accelerated by digital systems that connect individuals and enable communities of practice[2]. In this assignment, learn to use digital systems to identify and connect to individuals with relevant skills, share knowledge in virtual teams, and manage professional relationships.
The directions for Project 3 can be found in the following document: Digital Identity Management Assignment
Please note there are 5 parts for this project, which should be submitted via OWLbox in 2 deliverables. Also, please copy and paste a link to your e-portfolio as response to the Project 3 Post on our community site as part of the first deliverable.
Parts 1 & 2 are due on October 30. (worth 20 points)
Parts 3, 4, & 5 are due on November 20. (worth 20 points)
I have updated the schedule to reflect this on our site:
[1] Mary Madden, Amanda Lenhart, Sandra Cortesi, Urs Gasser, Maeve Duggan, Aaron Smith and Meredith Beaton. Teens, Social Media, and Privacy. Pew Research Center’s Internet & American Life Project, May 21, 2013.
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