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Academic History


  • Temple University, Fox School of Business, Philadelphia, PA
  • Expected Graduation: May 2015
  • 3.9 GPA Finance/MIS Major
  • Dean’s List and Honor’s Director’s List Recepient
  • Classes Taken Include: Honors Introduction to Risk Management, Honors Financial Accounting, Managerial Accounting, Honors Business Statistics, Honors Introduction to Financial Management, Fixed Income and Money Markets, Intermediate Corporate Finance, Data Analytics, and IT Architecture.


  • Graduated Lansdale Catholic High School, Lansdale, PA
  • 4.0 GPA and Top 5% of Graduating Class
  • Team Leader and Driver of Robotics Team, Vice-President of Chess Club, Co-founder Philosophy Club, Head of Sound Production for Stage Crew, President of Latin Honors Society, Member of National Honors Society
  • Attended Gwynedd-Mercy College for a year as an Archdiocesan Scholar taking a variety of classes

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