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MIS Internship

Over the summer of 2014, I had the opportunity to immerse myself in the IT and Engineering aspects of the Comcast Corporation through my internship in their Product and Engineering- Commercial Services department. During my internship, I worked under two project managers who managed the development of IT projects focused on improving the quality of  internet and phone services for a few thousand businesses ranging from non-profits and educational institutions to major entertainment and technology firms.


In my internship with Comcast, I worked on several key projects, including:

1. I created a simplified vendor management system by myself, surveying the needs and opinions of several senior managers for the dozen contracting companies utilized by the department. I gathered requirements and preferred attributes from these managers and developed a survey to collect their responses. I then aggregated the results and prepared a formal presentation for several managers explaining the results through graphics that ended up highlighting three contracting companies that were preferred most by the managers. My research has allowed my department’s managers to easily choose a contracting company based on the type of project and expertise needed to complete it.

2. I was tasked to serve as an administrator for the department’s Sharepoint website during my tenure. I actively updated the website with relevant upcoming events and important information. I also audited important documents and templates on the website to eliminate redundancies and make the most important documents more visible and accessible. Finally, I was responsible for adding and removing user access to maintain security protocols.

3. I was responsible for working with one of my project managers to develop and distribute an internal marketing newsletter recognizing notable achievements made by departmental employees. I interviewed relevant employees and then wrote and designed the newsletter that was praised by senior management.

4. I was responsible for updating and maintaining the department’s current client account list consisting of several thousand clients across over a dozen industries. I had to ensure complete accuracy in the record-keeping of this database to make sure that discontinued clients were not charged for or provided service while recently added clients were included.

5. I was involved in the Strategic Creativity Group within my department that focused on generating innovative approaches to common problems  faced throughout the department. I was responsible for researching and providing recommendations for a 3D printer to be purchased for the department to create new prototypes for potential solutions to client issues while encouraging creativity through technology.

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