Tyme to get your Gym on!!

How It Works

How GymTyme Gets its Data

Our team thought out several possible options as to how we would be able to effectively capture gym activity.  We wanted to make sure we had the most accurate technology in place to map out gym total capacity and individual sections of the gym.  The app also tracks what machines and how long individuals used certain machines.    It is easy to track how many people have entered a gym in the past hour but it is much more difficult to pin point where people are in the gym and what machines are actively being used.  Our application locates gym activity through the use of  RFID bracelets.


GymTyme uses RFID bracelets and readers on gym equipment.  RFID bracelets will be provided to gyms and will be used by members.  Every time a member uses a machine at the gym they will flash their bracelet over the RFID reader on the machine to register that the machine is in use.  When a member is finished with a machine they will scan out.  The data will be sent to the app and notify users what percentage of specific equipment or section is in use.


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