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  • Web analytics
  • Web application frameworks
  • Web design
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Student Worker – Assistant Developer

  1. Temple University HRM Department
  2. Job function (e.g., overall role, assigned tasks)
    The job is that of Assistant Developer of a custom web site application.
    It is the goal of the internship to give the intern practical experience
    in working with all of the aspects of a large web application.
    The application is developed in Visual Studio using several programming tools.
    It is developed as a MVC application using Entity Framework to communicate with
    a SQL database.
    The site requires programming abilities in several areas but it is not expected 
    that a candidate would have experience in all of the tools used 
    (see the listing that follows), but would have some understanding of c#, html,
    css and sql. 
    The following tools and languages are used:
    	MVC - Model / View / Controller - This is the structure of site
    	C# - The programming language for the controller
    	jQuery and javascript - The programming language for the client side control of pages
    	jQueryUI - Tools used for page control
    	Bootstrap - CSS formating and page tools
    	SQL - Basic command language for the databaes
    	Entity Framework - Connection between the program and the database
    	Linq - Language to communicate to the database from the controller
    	HTML - Basic page markup language
    	CSS 3 - Style language for formatting pages
    	Razor - Simplified page construction language
  3. Examples of projects (e.g., list the projects you worked on and what you accomplished)
    – Design the branding site for the company using WordPress
    – Create the help system for the company’s application
    – Interview previous customers about their experience with the software
  4. What you learned and how it relates to your major (e.g., describe what you learned from this internship in the context of specific courses).
    – Most of my work relates to MIS3501 and MIS3502. This job helps me apply what I have learned in the two classes about MVC structure, Javascript
    – I had to create a WordPress website for the company and building my MIS e-portfolio has prepared me for this
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