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This Year
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Application Analyst Intern

During this 8 week internship, I was able to apply and use the skills I learned in the classroom in a professional setting. I was able to shadow design meetings for multiple projects and a Sr. Application Analyst for 8 weeks. I also had 3 main responsibilities. The first one was to be the assistant for a design project that my mentor was working on by creating design mock-ups that she used in the design meetings. I also had to query data and send it out as a report for the team every morning. Lastly, I got to redesign a component of one of UHS’s apps. My redesign process included mock-ups created with Balsamiq, interactive prototypes using Figma, and A/B testing. During this experience, I also got to build interpersonal and personal skills. I attended lunch and learns about the various IS teams, workshops, and networking events. Overall, I learned a lot about what a professional career in user experience would look like and what is expected.


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