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Academic History



Temple University

Major: Management Information Systems

GPA: 3.4

Graduation date: May 2016

I became a student at Temple University in Fall of 2012 as undeclared. I became an MIS major my first semester as a junior. My first semester at Temple, I made the dean’s list as well as my first semester as a sophomore (Fall 2013). Throughout my experience at Temple, I :

  • Became an APEx intern for the Russell Conwell Learning Center my first semester.
  • Received the W.W Smith Charitable Trust Scholarship
  • Became a student ambassador for the Russell Conwell Learning Center
  • Received the Phillip Bratspis scholarship
  • Became a member of the Chi Alpha Epsilon National Honor Society
  • Became a member of the Association of Information Systems
  • Became a Math Classroom Assistant for incoming Temple freshmen (Summer 2014)
  • Became a Classroom Assistant for Information Systems in Organizations (MIS2101) for my former professor Carey O’Donnell




Russell Conwell Learning Center Summer Bridge Program

  • Prior to attending Temple University, I had to complete a summer program with the Russell Conwell Learning Center
  • I took three classes: English, College Algebra and Seminar
  • I finished the program and received an award for the highest academic achievement in my College Algebra class
  • This program prepared me extremely well for college and opened up many opportunities for me




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