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LinkedIn Learning – Programming Foundations: Version Control with Git

  • Type of course: Programming/Coding skills, Technology Skills
  • This course reviewed several aspects of Git and online Git consoles. The basic workflow used for Git was explained for both the Git command line and online Git consoles like Bitbucket. The following skills for command line were covered in this course; the creation/deletion of local project repositories, the creation/deletion of remote project repositories, the creation/deletion of project branches, how to merge branches, how to push local repos to a remote server and how to pull remote repos to your local computer, how to commit any changes to both local and remote repos, and finally how to use Git GUIS  and online Git consoles to complete the same tasks listed. The material in this course will be extremely useful in the future for both my professional work and personal projects. Version control is vital in programming and the material from this course has given me the confidence to work with both the command line and cloud-based git consoles.
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