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About Me

Welcome to My E-Portfolio!

Hello! My name is Iman Hadba, I am currently a sophomore at Temple University dual majoring in Management Information Systems and Finance. I strive to excel in everything I do. I am a motivated, hard-working individual who will never let anything get in my way of reaching a goal. I am a caring person that loves to help others. One of my favorite things to do is to volunteer and give back to the community.


I am from Shillington PA.  I attended Governor Mifflin Senior High School and was an ambassador for our Customized learning program. I would speak at school board meetings on behalf of the program. This helped me to not fear public speaking. I was a member of the National Honor Society and Spanish Honor Society. I also was a wrestling manager and was part of a variety of clubs. I have 5 siblings and 9 nieces and nephews.

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