Google in a fight to protect the users who use their browser, has now a safe browsing arsenal to protect them from using websites with malware and unwanted software. Google will flag the websites as unsafe using a big red warning sign in the browser. Sites will have apply to google to get the warning lifted. Site owners will not be able to apply for a repeal of the warning for 30 days. The red large warning sign will remain until after the repeal process.
Mauchel Barthelemy says
A number of malicious websites exist out there. Often times, those websites’ owners are not badly intention but wrongfully being negligent. In other words, they neglect to apply proper security because they don’t think extra precautionary measures are important. This allows hackers to exploit vulnerabilities from those systems to trigger attacks. Cyber security should be the contribution of at least everyone involved with doing business on the internet and this is a clever way of Google to force other parties to get involved.