When Trump begins his presendency on January 20th he will be leading a country that has the highest number of ransomware controlled computers in the world. Three areas in which cyber security is critical to our daily lives is energy, telecommunications and finance. These three essential services need to be managed properly to prevent cyber attacks in the future. In Ukraine more then 250,000 people expereicned a black out when hackers infected the power grid with malware. Even though it is in a less economically powerful country such as the United States it goes to show that hackers can infiltrate electrical grids. There is already malware that is present on our power grid that can be used to perform sserious interruptions. Trump needs to take these things into account when his administration hits the ground running on January 20th not only for the safety of our country but also the safety of the globe.
Article: https://www.bloomberg.com/view/articles/2016-11-30/what-trump-can-do-about-cybersecurity