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ITS Student Worker

  1. ITS Student Worker – Engineering & Operations at Temple University
  2. Completed projects under the Assistant Director of the Enterprise Systems Management Team. These projects revolved around maintaining the technological infrastructure behind the functions of the university. Main tasks involved decommissioning and building servers, both physically and virtually. We worked with VMWare, Zenoss, GLPI, and BMC Remedy to do so. We worked to maintain the integrity of the server inventory in the GLPI database.
  3. My projects included:
    1. Decommissioning of 50+ servers from both of the university’s main campus data centers, and preparing them to be send to the computer recycling center.
    2. Reaching out to over 40+ application owners of about 400+ servers to inform and prepare them to migrate off soon to no longer be supported operating systems of Windows Server 2012 and Red Hat Enterprise Linux 7.
    3. Cross-referencing VMWare to GLPI to maintain the integrity of server inventory, which necessitated the addition of over 300 servers to accurately reflect VMWare and to have those servers be actively monitored by Xymon.
  4. This work experience has given me an excellent understanding of how the infrastructure and systems of large organizations with server counts in the thousands operate. Multiple times this job required some coding knowledge that matched up with some concepts taught in MIS2402, such as arrays. I also used Windows Powershell to handle a comma-separated values list, a type of delimited text file used to store data that we learned about in MIS2502. I have not reached Cloud Architecture or Enterprise Cybersecurity, but I’m sure some of the things I learned about on the job such as zero trust networks or Azure will appear in these classes in some form. 
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