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Enterprise Agile Growing Scrum

Throughout the course, I learned the fundamental principles of LeSS and gained insights into Larman’s Laws, a set of guidelines that help shape the framework’s implementation. I also gained a deeper understanding of how LeSS enlarges and adapts key Scrum roles such as product owners and Scrum masters to effectively manage larger projects. The course covered various aspects of LeSS, including sprint planning, working in component teams, and team coordination, which are critical for achieving efficiency in large-scale agile projects. Additionally, I learned about organizing sprint reviews and conducting retrospectives in the context of LeSS.

In summary, this LinkedIn Learning course provided me with a comprehensive overview of Large-Scale Scrum (LeSS) and its application in enterprise-level product development. I gained valuable insights into the principles, laws, and practices associated with LeSS, which will undoubtedly enhance my ability to contribute to more efficient and effective agile project management in large organizations.

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