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Using Digital Technology to Transform Care Pathways

This activity was an IT related webinar that focused on digital technology in primary care. I learned about optimizing technology in order to make sure patients receive care in a timely fashion and how technology also makes the staff’s jobs easier as well. The speakers on the panel made it clear that their main goal was to get patients in front of clinicians and in communication with them in order to communicate information effectively. This is a universal pathway that connects patients with any clinician that they may need so they are able to communicate their needs timely without any interference or miscommunication. This is an innovative technology that unifies the clinicians in support of the patients and I believe it should be implemented in all clinics and regions to maximize benefits. This was directly related to what I am interested in because I do have an interest in implementing digital systems in the medical field. I feel as though that the patient should not have to struggle to reach a professional about what is going on with them and I know how much of an issue it is today. I do already see that this is an issue here in the United States because of how our health care system is set up so it is even more difficult to implement a universal tool. I notice that there are always different tools depending on what type of clinic that one is using. They almost never optimize time and communication between the patient and clinician so I learned a lot about how an effective system should run today.

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