Jason Thatcher



2021 Publications


  1. Burleson, J., Grover, V., Thatcher, J.B., and Sun, H. (2021) “Technology Repurposing: When Technology moves from Home to Work.” Journal of the AIS. 22(6): 1556-1589. https://10.17705/1jais.00707 
  2. Li, J., Li, M., Wang, X., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “Implementing AI Orientation in Firms: The Effect of the CIO and Board of Directors.” MIS Quarterly. 45(3): 1603-1643. DOI: http://10.2533/MISQ/2021/16523
  3. Schuetz, S.; Lowry, P.B., Pienta, D., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021) “Improving the Design of Information Security Messages by Leveraging the Effects of Temporal Distance and Argument Nature,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems: 22(5): 4. DOI: http://10.17705/1jais.00697
  4. Maier, C., Laumer, Sven., Thatcher, J.B., Sun, H., Weinert, C., and Weitzel, T. (2021) “Social Networking Site Use Resumption: A Model of Return Migration,” Journal of the Association for Information Systems. 22(4): 5. http://10.17705/1jais.00688
  5. Wong, R., Cheung, C., Xiao, S., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “Standing up or standing by: Understanding bystanders’ proactive reporting responses to online harassment.” Information Systems Research. 32(2): 561-581. https://doi.org/10.1287/isre.2020.0983
  6. Wright, R., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “Phishing Tests are Necessary. But They Don’t Need to Be Evil.” Harvard Business Review. Digital article: https://hbr.org/2021/04/phishing-tests-are-necessary-but-they-dont-need-to-be-evil
  7. Prommegger, B., Thatcher, J.B., Wiesche, M., & Krcmar, H. (2021). “When your data has COVID-19: how the changing context disrupts data collection and what to do about it.” European Journal of Information Systems, 30(1): 100-118. https://orsociety.tandfonline.com/doi/pdf/10.1080/0960085X.2020.1841573
  8. Mattke, J., Maier, C. Weitzel, T., Gerow, J., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “Qualitative Comparative Analysis (QCA) In Information Systems Research: Status Quo, Guidelines, and Future Directions.” Communications of the Association for Information Systems.
  9. Shah, M., Soomro, A.S., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “A Framework for ID Fraud Prevention Policies in E-Tailing Sector.” Computers and Security. 109: 102403 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cose.2021.102403
  10. Tams, S., Ahuja, M., Grover, V. and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). Grappling with Modern Technology: Interruptions Mediated by Mobile Devices Impact Older Workers Disproportionately. Information Systems and e-Business Management. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10257-021-00526-3
  11. Mattke, J., Maier, C. Weitzel, T., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “Qualitative Comparative Analysis in the Information Systems Discipline: A literature review and methodological recommendations.” Internet Research https://doi.org/10.1108/INTR-09-2020-0529


  1. Shan, G., Wattal, S., Risius, M., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “How Fact-Checking Affects News Engagement on Social Media Platforms: A Multi-Method Study. In the Proceedings of Workshop on Information Systems Economics.
  2. Hermes, S., Schreiek, M., and Thatcher, J.B. (2022). “Essential Platform Infrastructure and the Need for Regulatory Scrutiny.” In the Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICCS).
  3. Nabity-Grover, T., Cheung, C., and Thatcher, J.B. (2022). “I’ll (Not) be Home for Christmas: The Impact of the Pandemic on Evaluation Apprehension and Self-Disclosure during the 2020 Holidays.” In the Proceedings of the Hawaii International Conference on Systems Sciences (HICCS).
  4. Pu, W., Roth, P., Thatcher, J.B., Nittrouer, C., and Hebl, M. (2021). “Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder and Hiring: Are Veterans Traumatized and Stigmatized.” In the proceedings of the Academy of Management.
  5. Kwon, Y., Roth, P., Pienta, D., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “You Cheered for Your Favorite Teams: Does it Get You Hired or Penalized?.” In the Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, Austin, TX.
  6. Rossi, S., Mukkamala, R., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “The “Plandemic” and Twitter’s Failure to Enforce its own Misinformation Policies.” In the Proceedings of the 3rd Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media. The Oxford Internet Institute.
  7. Zhang, R., Park, J., Cirrelleo, R., and Thatcher, J.B. (2021). “Class structure and alignment of incentives” In the proceedings of the 3rd Multidisciplinary International Symposium on Disinformation in Open Online Media. The Oxford Internet Institute.
  8. Memeti, A., Huck-Fries, V., Krcmar, H., and Thatcher, J.B., (2021). “Motivation in IT Projects: Investigating the Effect of Agile Practices on Team Members’ Intrinsic Motivation.” In the Proceedings of the Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems.

Contact Information

email: jason.thatcher@temple.edu

skype: jason.bennett.thatcher

Office Hours

By appointment from Monday through Friday.

I do not consistently respond to messages between 6 PM and 10 PM on weeknights or weekends.

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