Jason Thatcher



Opportunities for Collaboration

My team seeks organizations interested in understanding how voluntary and involuntary online information disclosure impacts individuals and organizations. We are most interested in helping organizations understand (1) the impact of social media information on managers’ decisions or (2) how to prevent involuntary information disclosure through the design of cybersecurity practices.

Social Media and Voluntary Information Disclosure

This work sheds new light on the impact of managers viewing social media posts on assessments of citizenship, performance, and reliability.  We find that viewing personal opinions impacts hiring managers of job seekers, even in the presence information of job-related skills, knowledge, and abilities, suggesting that when individuals choose to share opinions on current events, employers may discount or even ignore their qualifications for jobs.

  1.  Wade, J., Roth, P., Thatcher, J.B., and Dinger, M. (2020). “Social Media and Selection: How Talking Guns, Doctors, and Mary Jane Influence your Future.” MIS Quarterly.
  2. Roth, P. L., Thatcher, J. B., Bobko, P., Matthews, K. D., Ellingson, J. E., & Goldberg, C. B. (2020). Political affiliation and employment screening decisions: The role of similarity and identification processes. Journal of Applied Psychology. 105(5): 472–486.
  3. Roth, P., Goldberg, C., and Thatcher, J.B. (2017). “The Role of Political Affiliation in Employment Decisions: A Model and Research Agenda.” Journal of Applied Psychology. 102(9): 1286.
  4. Roth, P., Bobko, J., Van Iddekinge, C., and Thatcher, J.B. (2016). “Social Media, Employee Selection, and Related Decisions: Don’t Know Much Empirically, Don’t Know Much Theoretically… but We do Know…. We Need a Research Agenda.” Journal of Management. 42(1): 269-298

Cybersecurity and Organizations

This work examines conditions under which individuals are persuaded to share personal or false information via technology.  We study how technology designers and cybercriminals take advantage of human frailties to persuade individuals to share personal data or disseminate fake news.  We identify remedies that firms can employ to train employees to secure information.

  1. Salge, C., Karahanna, E., and Thatcher, J.B. (Forthcoming). “When Chatbots Shape the Conversation: The Roles of Bots in Human Conversation.” MIS Quarterly.
  2. Schuetz, S., Lowry, P.B., Pienta, D., and Thatcher J.B. (2020). “On the design of information security messages: The effects of temporal distance and argument nature.” Journal of MIS.
  3. Pienta, D., Thatcher, J.B., and Johnston, A. (2020). “Protecting a Whale in a Sea of Phish.” Journal of Information Technology.
  4. Jensen, M., Dinger, M., Wright, R., and Thatcher, J.B. (2017). Training to Mitigate Threats from Customized Phishing Attacks. Journal of Management Information Systems. 34(2): 597-626.
  5. Wright, R.T., Jensen, M., Thatcher, J.B., Dinger M., and Marett, K. (2014). “Principles of Persuasion and Phishing: A Field Experiment.” Information Systems Research. 25(2): 385-400.

Contact Information

email: jason.thatcher@temple.edu

skype: jason.bennett.thatcher

Office Hours

By appointment from Monday through Friday.

I do not consistently respond to messages between 6 PM and 10 PM on weeknights or weekends.

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