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About’s About Page

Why I use is by far my favorite online resource when it comes to e-learning. Aside from the enormous and ever expanding library of courses, the ability to follow along with video tutorials makes the learning process more hands on. In addition, the exercise files and projects allow me to create working samples which will be added to my e-portfolio under the synopsis blog as I complete the courses. I have personally recommended to numerous other people and will continue to do so in the future.

My Current Track:

I am currently heavily exploring back end development. I hope to learn how to enable much more functionality in websites. In combination, I am also constantly looking to uncover front end development features. I believe the combination of knowledge of both front end and back end development will be extremely beneficial to enhancing my abilities and inspiring my creativity.

Courses Completed:

In Progress:

  • PHP with MySQL
  • Up and Running with Linux for PHP Developers


  • MVC Frameworks for Building PHP Web Applications
  • Website Planning and Wireframing: Hands-on Training
  • Foundations of Programming: Object Oriented Design
  • PHP with MySQL beyond the basics
  • And lots more……


Codecademy’s About Page

Why I use was introduced to me by a colleague at PeopleLinx to help further my coding practice. I enjoy the fun learning experience on this site. The short exercises and guided tracks facilitate the e-learning process.

My Current Track:

I am working on JavaScript primarily so that I can understand how back end development works. In addition, the Web Fundamentals is helping me learn more tools I can use in developing a user interface to make my websites more aesthetically appealing.

Courses Completed:

In Progress:

  • JavaScript Fundamentals
  • Web Fundamentals


  • JQuery
  • Python

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