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Hobbies and Interests


My passion for Rugby began in the 9th grade, watching my older brother play. Before then, I hadn’t even heard of the sport. There is an art to the controlled chaos and a feeling of unity on a rugby team that I saw from the first game I attended. From that point on, I became a dedicated player, testing my limits on a continual basis. Rugby has been an integral part of my development and I still stay in touch and as active as possible with my high school team.

Exercise and Wellness

I have a good base knowledge of nutrition and I try to maintain a regular work out schedule. Most notably, I do P90X, but have never completed the 90 day experience. There is a mini “gym” in my house that I amassed over a period of time to accommodate for my typically nocturnal workouts.


I have been known to pick up a bunch of different hobbies including making things out of duct tape, working on my car, home renovations, and amateur beat boxing. If I can figure out how it’s done or if it interests me enough, I usually try to acquire basic knowledge and make a hobby out of it.

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