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Top 5 Ways to Deploy Web Content Security


Network Configurations 

  • ICMP- reports messages of connectivity issues 
  • Firewalls 
  • Ip spoof with WCCP 


WSA(web security appliance)- has features and configurations for additionally security on a website 

  • Can be used for IP spoofing prevention, distribution of network services 
  • Talos telemetry- responsible for monitoring threats in an environment, all data sent is stored in a data center. 
  • DNS- widely used protocol, DNS servers are applied for additional security 
  • Authentications-  
  • Active- logins, single, or two factor authentication 
  • Passive- finger print or Ip retrieval

Services configuration 

  • Web(gateway for users and the internet) or Https(available channel after server is verified) Proxys 
  • Layer four traffic monitor- monitors network traffic between the main and end system 


Policy configuration 

  • Complexity- the more complex the more time is spent evaluating a file. Very complex policies can result in slowed response time on the website for users 
  • Identification profiles- all criteria must match to access the profile first IE (user agent, applications, or objects


  • Traffic from client’s side, external services, internal services, and the server side 

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