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My Experience


Philadelphia, PA

Technology Early Career Development Program

May 2015- Present

This summer I interned in the Technology Early Career Development Internship Program (TECDP) with Cigna. My internship was in Philadelphia, PA where I worked in the Legal IT Department as a Business and Systems Analyst. The Legal IT Department was in charge of supporting the Legal team’s IT needs and making sure Cigna was government compliment. I was fortunate to work on numerous projects. I was the lead BA on the Cigna PAC project where we were working on moving the Cigna PAC host website to a new host web site. During this time I helped provide language for the new host website and made sure that the contract included everything that the business asked for. I also was the lead BA on the Legal Hold project. The Legal Hold project consisted of Cigna rolling out a new system that would automate the majority of the Legal Hold process allowing Cigna’s lawyers to have more time to allocate elsewhere. During this project I had to read through documentation on the new system and create workflow diagrams to help depict the process and also create the business requirements of the project. My favorite project I was on was an international screening project. Cigna was rolling out a new system across its Europe and Asian countries to scan for terrorist. In other words before a claim is paid or an account is enrolled, Cigna would check to see if the client or customer was on any terrorist list. I worked as an SA on this project and created multiple functional documents for the different vendors that Cigna works with. Lastly, I was the lead BA on a database migration project where we were migrating all the Legal DB’s to a new location. During this project I worked closely with a DBA to make sure we were all on the same page for the move as far as where we were moving our DB’s and what their SQL compatibility was.

While at Cigna I also worked on an intern team. My team was made up of interns who were BA’s, SA’s, Developers, Security Analyst, and PM’s. My team had to create an application to help customers understand their health coverage. Then we had to merge our app with two other intern teams in my group who had to create an application for caregiver support and prescription adherence. At the beginning of this project we had to create Business Requirement Documents. During my first meeting with all the group’s BA’s and SA’s (there were 7 of us) I realized I was the only one who had seen a BRD before. I quickly was thrown into the role of Lead BA where I was in charge of managing the BA’s and SA’s. I was able to teach the others how to do scenarios, functional requirements, business rules, etc. Once the BRD’s were completed our Developers went to work creating the app. At the end we had to present our app to a panel of judges, including the CIO of Cigna. I volunteered and will be one of five presenters from our team of twenty-six people who will present our solution.



Monroe Energy LLC

Trainer, PA

Commercial Operations & Special Projects Intern

May 2014- Present



Monroe Energy LLCMonroe

Trainer, PA

Yield Accounting Intern

May 2013- May 2014

I spent the summer after my freshman year interning as a yield accountant at an oil refinery just south of Philadelphia. Monroe Energy purchased the previous Phillips 66 refinery in Trainer, PA. It is like no other refinery in the United States because they are subsidized by Delta Airlines. Delta bought the oil refinery for Monroe Energy to cut down on the rising cost of jet fuel. During my internship I worked forty hours a week and learned a great deal about the process of refining. While at Monroe Energy I joined their business improvement team, which address issues in the refinery and works together in a group atmosphere to find a solution.  I also keep track of all the products that leave the refinery and record their everyday movements through the pipeline to their final destinations. These products include propane, reformulated blendstock for oxygenate blending, premium reformulated blendstock for oxygen blending, conventional blendstock for oxygenate blending, Premium conventional blendstock for oxygenate blending, jet fuel, diesel, and heating oil. I record the daily production and graph the data using excel in hopes to identify any common patterns. I also worked on designing Monroe’s new website, and also was able to observe a consultant for Teradata who was designing a new database. This has been an incredible experience, which I am growing drastically from.

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