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Personal Interests

One of my biggest hobbies and passions is cars. I’d love to have a small garage on my property when I’m older so I can work on my cars myself and be able to own all the tools necessary. Currently I do as much work on my car myself as I can will the limited amount of space and tools I have.144k 1969-chevy-camaro-1I’d love to design and build my own car one day, but my dream car will always be a 1969 RS/SS Chevrolet Camaro. A close second for my favorite is the Ford F-150 SVT Raptor.




Another big part of my life is sports. During high school I was a three sport athlete, but injuries prevented me from going any further. My favorite sport to watch is football, and my favorite team is the Green Bay Packers.Packers I remember my dad and uncle cheering for them during one of the first football games I ever watched on TV, and they just became my team. However, my favorite sport I ever participated in was wrestling. There was just something about being on the mat and knowing that no matter what happened, the only reason it happened was your own hard work and dedication. I also liked that it wasn’t a sport where you could blame anyone else, if you messed up, there was no person you could point the finger at expect right back at you. Sports have taught me a lot about teamwork and hard work, and for that they will always be a big part of who I am.




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