Temple Univeristy | Human Resource Management | Class of 2016

Interests and Hobbies


Traveling has enabled me to learn about new cultures and lifestyles. It is a way of connecting to a culture that you have never experienced.  It is truly my favorite thing to do during the summer. During the summer months, my family loves to travel to the Caribbean to relax and enjoy a nice breeze on the beach. Some of the places I have visited outside the United States include the Bahamas, Jamaica, St. Thomas, and many more.  Growing up in the Washington DC Metropolitan area, I am fortunate enough to be able to explore many of America’s historical sites. On the weekends, you can catch me walking the grounds of the National Mall, hanging out by the waters in Georgetown, or spending the day at the National Harbor in Baltimore.  Post-graduation, I hope to continue to extend my travels in hopes of one day exploring the rest of the world.


Volunteering has always been very important to me. In high school, I helped participants in the Special Olympics and that is where my interest of volunteering began. Since high school, I started volunteering for my church’s Reid Temple A.M.E nursery, and I have continued through college. I love working with children not only because they are cute, but they will enable you to think on your feet, and think of new and creative ideas that will keep the children engaged. I also volunteer at Bright Hope Baptist Church as a tutor to inner city kids ages 6-13. Volunteering is a great experience that teaches you great skills that will be needed in the workplace.


Sports have always been my first love.  It all started when I was a 7-year-old kid trying to make friends by joining my local soccer team. I have been able to form great relationships with friends and coaches, meet amazing people, and been able to travel around the country. Not only do I love playing sports, I love watching them as well. As a Maryland native, I grew up a Washington, DC sports fan.  Over the last few years, my family has season tickets to the Washington Redskins football games. In the summer, I love attending Washington Nationals and DC United games.

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