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Adding Technology to a Family Friend’s Business

A family friend owns a transportation business within the Philadelphia area. They needed help with the organization of scheduling, creating informative calendars, keeping track of pay stubs, and overall having an easy form of communication. My friend relayed this issue to me, and I volunteered to help her father’s business with the tech background that I have attained through MIS. They did not have a uniform email platform, so I implemented a business email account for each employee using Gmail to facilitate better communication. In addition to setting up emails that would help with the efficiency of their business, I also introduced him to Google Sheets and Google Calander. He used to primarily write all of his important notes or dates and keep them in a physical file organizing system, but this proved to be inefficient over time as his business expanded. After this simple addition, he relayed to me that he felt very happy with how organized and easily accessible everything was to him and his employees. Seeing how simple yet so effective this change was for his business taught me that the answer can be simple at times; you do not always need an intricate and extensive change to increase efficiency within a business.

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