Green and Mobile Cloud Computing
Green and Mobile Cloud Computing
Green Cloud Computing is a branch of cloud computing that results in developing ways to reduce the amount of carbon emissions, and save energy and materials. This is greatly important, because the materials, energy, and emissions for making servers and technological equipment has significantly increased, thus the need for greener computing practices. Additionally, cloud computing has led to the advancement of people working remotely, meaning an increased usage of power and electricity. The second topic I will be discussing is Mobile Cloud Computing. This is another type of cloud computing that connects applications to mobile devices. This is very important, because millions of people own mobile devices that can host these applications, which can build strong relationships with people and companies/brands. Having an application available on a mobile device can increase sales and revenue, create brand loyalty and spread ideas, leading to innovation.
Green cloud computing greatly connects to the discussion of the virtualization of the cloud and how Amazon and many cloud providers have server locations that consist of hundreds of computers. This also relates to setting up a virtual cloud and network and how to develop it in a way that still reduces emissions, and saves energy. Green cloud computing shares many of the multiple benefits with cloud computing, including the ability to work anywhere, flexibility, customizability and reduced paper usage. This also connects to the topic of creating a well-architected network and framework. This is because green cloud computing is important to consider when creating an organization’s network. Mobile cloud computing connects to multiple MIS 3406 topics. These topics include security groups and developing a vpc, creating a well-architected framework, and connecting mobile applications with cloud storage. This builds on the topics learned in class, because we developed a cloud network on a computer and mobile computing takes it one step further. This connects to developing a vpc and security groups because a vpc is needed to create a virtualized network and the necessary security groups to allow mobile devices to access certain parts of the network. Next, mobile device applications need well-developed frameworks for the user to complete tasks and to have an enjoyable experience. Finally, mobile applications collect information about users when users place online orders, thus mobile computing clouds need ways to connect to cloud storage. These topics work together to create a customizable, dynamic network for users to complete tasks and access important information.
One example of green cloud computing that demonstrates the benefits to the environment and to the users of the service is the virtualization of operating machines and the utilization of terminal servers. Virtualization provides the opportunity to put many operating systems on one server. While these virtual machines are on one computer, they act like they are on separate computers. Additionally, terminal servers can save power. One example of mobile cloud computing is getting emails on one’s mobile device. The user utilizes an interface that connects to the email server and retrieves the information in real time. This is also beneficial, because users can use both the computer application and/or also use a mobile application, according to their needs.
Works Cited
Amj, S. (2013, March 13). Examples of Mobile Cloud Computing.
IBM Cloud. (n.d.). What is mobile cloud computing? IBM Cloud.
Ohri, A. (2020, November 23). Green Cloud Computing: An Easy 4 Step Beginner’s Guide. Jigsaw Academy.’Green%20Cloud%20Computing’%2C%20the,waste%20disposed%20to%20the%20environment.&text=The%20increase%20in%20energy%20consumption,data%20servers%20and%20other%20infrastructure.