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Build Your own custom GPTs with ChatGpt

Instructor Morten Rand-Hendriksen who is a senior staff instructor, Speaker, Web Designer, and a software developer teaches me how I can create my own specialize GTP in ChatGTP. You can make it your own instructions, knowledge retrieval, and actions for highly specialized and targeted functionality using natural language instructions and basic uploads. You can also share your own custom GPTs to your friends or other, is it a potentials marketing place for some people. For instance you can create your own tutor Ai from ChatGpt and if it has work out well for you, you maybe able to share it with your other group of friend who might need some help for some tutoring. I learn to add knowledge retrieval to custom GPTs and Activate RAG (Retrieval Augmented Generation) with a simple uploads. This is important because not only technology has been in a fast growing pace, it benefits for various reason. Not only ChatGTP is in a continuous improvement, it assist in content creation, language translation and a educational tool as well.

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