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Fall Connection 2019

I attended the Fall 2019 Fall Connection career fair sponsored by Temple\\\\\\\’s Center for Professional Development. This event took place on September 20th, 2019 in Mitten Hall on Temple University\\\\\\\’s main campus. There were over 100 employers in attendance. I practiced interacting with recruiters in a professional manner. This was my first Fall Connection, so I had to learn how to make the best use of my time and plan out which companies I wanted to talk to. It was important for me to practice selling myself, highlighting my resume, and giving my elevator speech, all things that always have room for improvement. This event was helpful for me to gain a better sense of my career goals because I got to learn about what positions recruiters are offering and more details about those specific positions. It is nice to see improvements in my networking skills with each career fair that I attend.

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      Fall 2019
      Spring 2019
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    • AIS Technical Development TrackFall 2019
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      Fall 2018

    • Fall Connection 2019 Fall 2019

    • IT Career FairFall 2019
      Fall 2018

    • IBIT challenge or conferenceFall 2018

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