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STEM Tutor and Conversation Partner

I currently work as a Conversation Partner at Temple’s Student Success Center (SSC), where I meet one-on-one with students to give them an opportunity to practice interacting in a language that they are trying to learn. By engaging learners with friendly conversation in Chinese or English, I help students to boost their confidence to express themselves in class discussions, prepare for job interviews, and give constructive feedback to improve their presentation skills.

I also tutor fundamental business subjects through Temple’s STEM tutoring service. Classes I provide support in include Financial Management, Financial Accounting, Management Science/Operations Management, Introduction to Risk Management, Data Science, and Digital Systems. I meet one-on-one with students to help them understand business concepts, practice solving problems, and review course content. For example, I use the Zoom Whiteboard, Google Images, and Excel sheet to deliver a clear understanding of the content demonstrated.  Additionally, I help students develop effective studying habits, note taking methods, and test taking strategies.

The teaching experience helps me to get to know the other students at a personal level, allows me to share academic and career related resources, and see the impact of my hard work within the hour to hour sessions with my students. Eventually, I realized that I really enjoy creating values for people by solving their problems and presenting information in different ways to best fit the receiver’s needs.

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