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AIS Mentorship Program


Fall 2020

I decided to participate in the AIS Mentorship Program once again in the fall of 2020. This semester was different due to the switch to virtual learning, so our primary interactions were conducted via Zoom. Despite this, it did not take away from the experience in the program. The mentors and mentees got to know each other a little more via a five minute meeting in the Mentorship Social before everyone was paired up which was an interesting innovation to accommodate the online environment. I was paired with my mentor, Grace Kim, and we discussed more about resume building such as setting goals to achieve different technology certifications that will be beneficial in future internships. I enjoyed experiencing the program in both the in-person and online format, and I am fortunate to have connected with more of my peers this semester.

Spring 2020

I started the spring semester of 2020 as a newly declared MIS major and wanted to learn more about the major beyond the courses I was taking. I decided to apply for the AIS Mentorship Program in hopes of getting guidance in starting my career as a professional. We discussed the same uncertainty she felt coming into the major, but she advised me that one can be successful in anything if one is willing to work hard at it. Natalie also gave me advice on the internship process and the importance of networking which helped me greatly. Overall, I thought the program was very well structured, giving me opportunities to develop my resume, create a Pro Points plan, and connect with other MIS majors. Participating in this program was very enriching, and I am very grateful for the experience.


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