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Interesting Facts

Interesting Facts 

Hi! Thank you for visiting my e-portfolio. If you already have not done so, please visit my About Me  page to learn a little about my professional details and career interests.

This page is all about learning more about who I am outside of a professional setting. To start off, I am Albanian, and my family immigrated to the United States about 30 years ago. They moved to Philadelphia, and I have lived there my whole life. Albanian was my first language, and I learned English when I started going to pre-school. I love having the ability to communicate in a different language, so I decided to learn Spanish pursue it as a minor  as well. I think that learning different languages is important because it gives one a deeper cultural understanding that helps facilitate better communication.

I enjoy being creative, so I love photography, and my favorite part about it is the editing aspect. Whenever the weather is nice, I like to go to a sand court and play volleyball. I love traveling and experiencing different cultures. So far, I have been to Albania, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Canada, and many U.S. states. One of the coolest things I have done is jumping from a waterfall with my friends in Puerto Rico, and I hope to get the opportunity to travel more in the future!

I prefer binge-watching TV shows more than watching movies, and I just finished watching Queen of the South on Netflix. I do like watching movies from time to time though, and I have always rewatch Shutter Island. Some apps I visit daily are Youtube and Tik Tok. My favorite sports team is the Sixers because my parents would always watch them when I was younger.


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