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I was born in Korea and raised in Philadelphia by my adoptive parents. After graduating from Saint Basil Academy High School, I attended Drexel University as a business major; however, after two years, I decided to leave school to enter the work force. During this time, I worked in the hospitality industry where I obtained considerable business experience and opportunities that encouraged me to pursue a career in accounting. I gradually eased back into school by attending Community College of Philadelphia part-time since I became a working mother and wife. This transition was challenging; however, I have gained valuable skills from these experiences that motivate me to maintain focus on my goals.

Currently, I hold several real estate rental investments in the Fishtown/Kensington neighborhood of Philadelphia, where I also reside. From my home, I manage the financial and maintenance operations for several real estate investing groups and provide bookkeeping services to several small businesses. I thoroughly enjoy assisting small and local businesses because I am able to support and witness their growth and positive impact on the community.

During my free time, I am an advocate of urban gardening and sustainability. I have devoted my limited city backyard to a garden and have plans on expanding this year to a vacant city lot. I have pursued this particular lot for several years and I am pleased to say my neighbors and I are finally in the acquisition phase. As a community, we have dedicated this lot as “green space” to prohibit any structural development and to encourage aesthetic improvements for our block.

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