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National Institute of Aerospace

Manager: Wendy Murray

Job Type:IT

Position: Intern


Dates May 15, 2014- July 5, 2014

During the Summer of 2014 I experienced a wonderful internship at National Institute of Aerospace.My job title was IT help desk and I also helped manage the companies website using word press which was exciting because I had much experience using word press.ay to day task were to read and help solve the IT help desk tickets. Employees throughout the company would send in request for various problems they were having with technology from forgetting their password, needing help installing software, phone problems, security issues, and printer problems etc.  I worked right under the the Director of IT Wend Murray. Wendy taught me how to solve the various IT issues throughout the company and if I need extra help I would either call her or another fellow intern. My other project I had throughout the internship was help manage the companies website. I managed newsletter updates,corrected spelling errors, updated employees profiles, images,etc. It was a great expeirnce and I learned a ton from interning with NIA over the Summer of 2014.

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