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Work Experience


I have been working ever since I turned 14 years old. My first job was at Dunkin Donuts, where I performed all different types of tasks. I gained a lot of experience at this job because it was the first one I ever had, and I was given many responsibilities. I started off by making sandwiches and coffee. After around a year, I was given the responsibility to close the store by myself. This made me feel good because at only 15 years of age, I was responsible for counting the money at the end of the night to make sure it matched up with sales. I also had to perform all of the proper procedures to close the store and ensure it was ready for the next day. This was a great first job because I was given the opportunity to deal with responsible tasks at a young age.



Later, after working at Dunkin Donuts for two years, I was hired at Baja Fresh. This Mexican restaurant taught me even more about food service. I was responsible with providing the customers with the meal that they ordered and assuring that their requests were met. Other tasks that I was responsible for were making sure the restaurant was clean, stocked, and looked welcoming. I really enjoyed this job because I occasionally had to prepare meals for the customers, so I gained some basic knowledge on how to cook.

talamore2After working at Baja Fresh for around two years, I was forced to find another job because it closed down. I quickly searched for another job and found one at Talamore Country Club, where I am still currently working. I am responsible for welcoming the golfers and helping them get set up on their golf carts. My goal is to provide them with everything they need before they go out to enjoy the golf course. This is my favorite job so far because I get to interact with all different types of people who go to the Country Club. Being able to help and talk to people makes my day more enjoyable because I won’t ever get bored. I have been working there for two years and cannot wait until golf season is back! Talamore18b

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