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Interesting Facts

Here are some interesting facts about me!

  • Some movies that I have seen at least 20 times include Despicable Me (1 and 2), Frozen, Tangled, and Legally Blonde.
  • I’m currently watching Community, Heartstopper, How I Met Your Mother, My Hero Academia, and Outer Banks. I recently started Tiger and Bunny and finished Haikyu!! as well.
  • Some apps I visit daily are Messages, Notes, Mail, Instagram, TikTok, and Spotify. My most visited app would have to be Spotify. I listen to music very often.
  • I currently don’t have any pets, but I used to have 4 fish throughout elementary school. 
  • Outside of school, I like to read, cook, dance, play piano, and make mashups. I do the last two more often than the rest. 
  • My favorite sports teams are the Philadelphia Eagles and Phillies, mostly because those are my home teams. I’m not super into sports.
  • The coolest thing I’ve ever done is walk through the ruins of Pompeii. I remember learning about the Mt. Vesuvius eruption in third grade and seeing the ruins in books. When I visited Pompeii in ninth grade, I couldn’t believe how well-preserved everything was. It was surreal. Third grade me would’ve freaked out. 
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