Community Platform
  • Accounting information systems (AIS)
  • Auditing
  • Data science
This Year
20 Points
1005 Points
MIS Badge

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Fox Fall Connection

  • Title of the career fair

Fox Fall Connection

  • Term in which it was completed

Fall 2021

  • Sponsoring organization


  • Details of the career fair (e.g., where, when)

Virtual; September 17, 2021

  • What you learned

I learned about various opportunities at firms such as EY and RSM, while also learning about the day to day work in several of their business lines.  I also learned about the application process for these firms, and what course of action I can take to get ahead.

  • How the career fair relates to coursework or your career goals

My goal is to become a CPA and work in audit, so landing a spot at one of these firms would directly help me gain the experience required for such a role.  My coursework in Cash Accounting and Intermediate Accounting will help me get there, but I also learned that IT is becoming more important for auditors.  Knowledge of IT infrastructure that I am gaining from my MIS degree could therefore make me an even more valuable asset to a team.

    • AIS Mentorship ProgramFall 2021

    • AIS Technical Development TrackFall 2021

    • AIS Speaker Series TrackFall 2021

    • Fox Fall Connection Fall 2021

    • IT Career FairFall 2021

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