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Primephonic – A new APP for Classical Music

Compared with other Apps I have used for music, like Spotify and Pandora – Primephonic is the only true place to find a deep appreciation and a most expansive catalogue of the classical music art form. In the words of the Primephonic founders, “We developed a music streaming platform that addresses the unmet needs of classical music lovers worldwide”. I learn more and more how under-appreciated classical music is, with Primephonic I learn about artist through out the years, new trends in instrumental music and even new artists and latest albums. Also I have noticed the variety of music being played through Pandora for example, has become redundant and sparse, the streaming there is lacking in number of plays in terms of different musical compositions; especially as time goes on. Primephonic library with accompanying genres seem never to end, it is not just a form of entertainment, but really an education in the history of classical music. I love when opening the App the banner at the very top shows new releases, already being brought more and more into a culture I already am found of and want to learn more. Carousel of boxes with new releases makes classical contemporary, below this is another Carousel of sqaure modules highlighting “Artist Playlists” or Artist picks, with the composers pictures as the image in the box, a instant human connection with the artist. Of course, Primephonic ‘recommendations’ Carousel below and the ‘standard essentials’, ‘hidden gems’, ‘composers’ and genre based Carousel playlists are found below.

In the classical world, if an under discovered musical piece is finally unearthed, that’s a big deal, and that’s also another place to look in the ‘Composers Undiscovered’ Carousel. Browsing and search efforts are made easy with the affordance of a search bar, when into this search I’m brought to another page, the signifiers are a string of composers in circular portraits within Carousel mode – which offers a personal look at the masters I admire. Below that is a Carousel of portraits with exquisite artwork of the time period, examples – classical or romantic, 20th Century. If not satisfied an already displayed dropdown menu shows browse by genre with – Orchestral – Chamber Music – Vocal Music for starters. Home, Search and My Music (stored liked Music) and Profile are found on the footer of the App page. I love love ‘My Music’, it actually has a history of what I played, unlike Pandora and beats Spotify with is breath of selections… I don’t have to “like” it – Primephonic just saves the music for me. Owe yeah, you get what you pay for – $149.99 Plantain Annual – worth the money and works best when you choose MOOD (Carousel)  – ‘Drinking with Friends’ – and hit-it with Beethoven Symphony number 7 (The King’s Speech) or Pavarotti’s love affair with Puccini – and when I said hit-it… I meant more than the just the play button – Pinot Noir pairs well.

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