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Coke Plays Everywhere it Can


The Coca-Cola trademark is known to have a brand personality of ‘The Innocent’, full of a never-ending buoyancy, expressing an spontaneous and optimistic worldview. Recently, under this same brand of spontaneity Coke launched for the first time ever, an energy drink titled Coca-Cola Energy, under the Coke flagship name brand. Coke being no stranger to energy drinks produces the successful VitaminWater and PowerAid; VitaminWater targeting college age women, and PowerAid with male athletic enthusiast from teenage to late forties. In the news, Coke had also just reached a “monster” settlement in concurrence with the new Coca-Cola Energy label, a legal dispute between rising conflict of interests between Monster and the Coca-Cola Company.  

In 2015 Coke took 16.7% stake in Monster energy drinks, Monster though… has often been criticized in it’s artificial make-up and flavoring. Being sensitive to health conscience consumer and energy drinkers, Coke took the approach of using “naturally-derived caffeine and guarana extract” for sweetness and energy inducing components. With the usage of natural ingredients and leveraging the Coca-Cola brand, Coke is eyeing consumers who wouldn’t reach for a can of Monster’s quick caffeine rush. Javier Meza, global chief marketing officer of The Coca-Cola Company sizzles with excited about the launch – “Coca-Cola Energy includes ingredients from naturally derived sources and a delicious and refreshing taste of Coca-Cola. We kept these two qualities at the heart of how we developed the recipe and are proud to offer it under the Coca-Cola brand, inviting people to try a new and different energy drink that is designed to complement upbeat and busy lives.”

Only this past February did Coke introduce to U.S. drinkers the soda’s first new flavor in 12 years. Orange Vanilla Coke and the zero calorie counterpart – Orange Vanilla Coke Zero, both utilizing the orange color schemes. Bright and energetic with Orange representing crisp optimism, but tonality of caution – similar to Dunkin, communicating the emergency need for a caffeine hit, for the avid coffee (or in this case soda) aficionados getting through the day. Coca-Cola has spent the past few years absorbing niche beverage companies to make other inroads outside its soft drink empire. Cutting massive checks for Odwalla fruit juices, Fuze teas, ZICO coconut water, and Glaceau vitamin-fortified water. This past June Coke struck a $5.1 billion deal for Costa coffees, a platform with a bean-roasting presence abroad. 

Since Coca-Cola’s strategy is buying out other beverage labels, why did they introduce “Coca-Cola Energy” to U.K consumers? A Coca-Cola marketing executive spilled the info on AdAge that cherry- and vanilla-flavored Cokes account for roughly 9% of the brand’s dollar volume but are driving 18% of the dollar growth. “Coca-Cola is once again looking for ways to experiment with its flagship brand…Coke wants to play everywhere it can” said Duane Stanford, executive editor of Beverage Digest. 

Finally late last year Coke introduced a variant of diet alternatives with Ginger Lime and Twisted Mango in slim cans targeting millennials turnt on LaCroix line-ups.  Spending two years on that relaunch, Coca-Cola says it asked more than 10,000 people for their input, eventually settling for the sleek thin design. For a company racking up $31.9 billion in revenue, wonder if either Coca-Cola Energy or Orange Vanilla Coke will even leave a dent – so to speak…  none-the-less Coke shows that it goes to great lengths in keeping it’s flagship name from ever fizzling out.



Brand Archetypes and Personalities For Brand Strategy

Why Coca-cola May Launch Coke-branded Energy Drinks

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Can Orange Vanilla Coke Save Coca-cola?

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