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Advisory Associate

After graduation, I will be joining KPMG as an Advisory Associate in their Risk Consulting Practice.  KPMG is a professional services organization, known globally as one of the “Big Four” accounting and auditing firms.  In my role within IT Advisory, I will be tasked with learning and applying concepts of technology and risk management in order to solve clients’ needs and requests.  Within the position, I will assist senior associates and clients directly in order to assess, manage and remediate IT-related risks within a client’s organization.  My coursework at Temple has prepared me adequately for this position.  As a Fox Business student, I have been exposed to new technologies and concepts of risk management through Temple’s world renowned MIS and Risk Management programs.  Through my MIS major, I have learned to be a career student and to always be receptive of new ideas and emerging technologies and the inherent risks associated with operating along the cutting-edge.  I am confident that my experiences as a student at Temple and as a consultant intern have prepared me to succeed in this role.

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