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How To Get Booked on Podcasts Without a PR Team

The webinar was an informational session by Danielle Desir, who is an indie podcaster. This webinar took place virtually via zoom on Thursday, April 15 from 1-1:50 pm. In her webinar, she briefly talks about the dos and don’ts of approaching hosts. Networking without a PR team for a podcast is arduous, however, much personal when you pitch hosts yourself. Danielle explains the most efficient way to approach podcast hosts, as she explains that most hosts are looking for a person that has an interesting story, the journey on how you did it, on how someone else can do it, and strategies to develop these skills. She also describes that some important pitch essentials when connecting to hosts is to simply describe who you are. When explaining yourself, it\’s best to highlight who you are and linking your platforms to let hosts know your qualities. Another pitch essential she talks about is describing the value that you can bring into the podcast, this is important in order to let the hosts know the approach you can display to audiences. Linking your blogs, youtube clips and podcasts is important to let hosts know why they should invite you. In terms of my career interest, this doesn’t directly apply although many of her tips on connecting with hosts/businesses were informational.

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