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Work Experience

I had a full-time internship at Weiming Penguin LCC, which is a third party medicine transaction website, as Data Analyst. After getting myself familiar with the medicine common sense, medicine market in China, and their database, I spent two days learning how to use SPSS and related mathematically analytical methods, then I started my work.


During these two months, I have concluded six analysis reports for this company for their future growth. Most of the time I was working with data; pulling out the needed data by SQL queries, which I learned from course MIS2502. Also, one of the reports is done by using association rules, giving them a sense of which medicines can be put into the “also buy” section in medicine detail page, which I learned from course MIS2502 as well. Among these six reports, one is completed by an analytical experiment. I used the knowledge I learned from course MIS3506 to plan out this experiment in order to meet my manager’s expectation thoroughly and how to work with my experiment team efficiently.


Doing this internship has made me a big fan of data analytics. Right now, I am learning Python and R in my spare time at, and planning to register a possibility theory course next semester as supplements to my interested field.

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