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  • Analytics
  • Data analytics
  • Data science
  • Statistics
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Video and Data Analyst

Job Title and Company:

  • Club Video and Data Analyst for Huntingdon Valley Athletic Associations (HVAA) travel soccer program, specifically focused on their high school aged teams.

Job Function (role and assigned tasks):

  • Role was responsible for two major tasks, coordinating video across all of the teams using Spiideo and Veo software and hardware, as well as doing basic statistics to use as KPI’s for the teams after their matches. Additionally, when possible, video analysis was also a part of the role and at times I would give presentations to teams which used the data as grounds for the video.

Examples of Projects:

  • The biggest project that I did over the course of the Spring season was collecting data on all of the matches and keeping track of them for coaches and the club. This was largely done through a program called SportsCode, which allowed me to tag all of the instances of an event happening, such as a player taking a shot, and then using integrated Python, I was able to generate reports within the program. These reports were then sent out to team’s and their coaches, as well as logged in an excel file which was used to track trends.
  • The second project of mine was storing video using the same program, SportsCode, to give high school age players a database of their video so that they’d be able to create tapes and send this film to coaches. This involved a lot of trial and error in learning what the best way to warehouse and share video would be with players and families.

What I learned and how it related to my major:

  • Presentation of data and selecting correct statistics continues to be an important part of what I’ve learned from some of my earlier MIS classes, as well as languages such as Python. This taught me further competency in both skills and pushed me to try new things.
  • I also learned a lot about how to communicate with invested parties such as parents and coaches about a wide variety of things, such as KPI’s. Learning how to bridge the gap from the technical side to people who might know less on the topic continues to be a really important skill for me.

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