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Personal Branding

  1. Temple Professional Network out of the Office of Alumni Relations
  2. This presentation occurred at the Blackstone Launchpad in the Student Center from 4 to 5pm on the 1st of November. Tyra Ford gave a lecture explaining the importance of personal branding and how it can help you start a business or better showcase your professional skills.
  3. I learned that there are many different ways to effectively advertise your personal brand and that not only is personal branding useful for people looking to promote their business, but also for people who want to better showcase their professional skills. Some of the topics included a strong web presence, google analytics effectively, and the importance of LinkedIn.
  4. This relates to my career goals because my LinkedIn page is actually really weak, especially considering I am a senior in college. A better LinkedIn page could make me appear in more searches of recruiters and showcase the skills that I have learned during my time at Temple.
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