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Merchandising Intern – eCommerce

I interned in the eCommerce division of the Merchandising Team. The eCommerce team is responsible for bridging the gap between in-store products and pricing with the website. Additionally, the team works to eliminate the lag between product arriving at the store or warehouse and it being available for purchase online.

During my time with The Giant Company had the opportunity to work on a few different projects. One of the projects I worked on involved looking at competitors throughout the country and determining what the Giant could do better. I looked at how they provided value to their customers such as weekly ads, coupons, loyalty programs, online shopping, and website usability.

Throughout, my experience was able to use my knowledge of business processing that I learned in MIS 2101. Also, I enjoyed looking at how the Giant could improve its website to provide a more pleasurable online shopping experience. I look forward to applying that experience when I take User Experience Design this fall.

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