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Thinkful Online Info Session | Becoming a Data Analyst

  1. Name of sponsoring organization
    1. Thinkful
  2. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)
    1. Online and April 17th
  3. What you learned
    1. During the webinar, I learned which programming languages were popular. These were Python and R. Also I learned that the job prospect in most industries will likely need more data analysts to analyze ways to increase profitability or look for new ways for the company(s) can innovate. I also learned the differences between a data engineer, a data scientist and a data analyst. Before, I thought they were all the same
  4. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals
    1. I first gained an interested in being a data analyst when taking the class 2502 data analytics, but now I want to dive deeper into the specifics of learning how to be one and what\\\’s required.
  5. Once approved, the description is automatically displayed in a post on your e-portfolio

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