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IT Career Fair

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IT career fair.

I Connected with various companies such as Vangaurd, TD bank, Wells Fargo, PWC, etc. My interest was more towards Vangaurd, being one of the largest Investment company and fair intern positions available. Number two on my interest list would be PWC. I got the experience of connecting with big companies, learned how to talk to management, how to introduce myself professionally, and taught me to be well presented. Being a MIS major, building my network with companies that offer positions in technology fields is a significance because it would have a huge impact to the success my career path.

    • AIS Mentorship ProgramFall 2020

    • AIS Speaker Series TrackFall 2020
      Fall 2019
      Spring 2019

    • AIS Technical Development TrackFall 2020
      Spring 2020
      Fall 2019

    • Fall 2020 adjustmentFall 2020

    • IT Career FairFall 2020
      Fall 2019

    • Spring 2020 adjustmentSpring 2020

    • IT Career Fair Fall 2019

    • IBIT small group meeting with industrySpring 2019

    • Other Career FairSpring 2019

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