Community Platform
  • Analytics
  • App development
  • Business Intelligence (BI)
  • Cascading Style Sheets (CSS)
  • more...
This Year
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1013 Points
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Completed Coursework

  • Information Systems in Organizations
    • Developed an understanding of how critical of a role technology plays within businesses nowadays
    • Learned about the different types of applications used in businesses today such as customer relationship management systems, enterprise systems, cloud computing, artificial intelligence, etc.
    • Gained experience with tools such as Google Analytics, SalesForce, Swim Lane Diagram, and ERD.

Current Coursework

  • Web Application Development
    • Learned about creating web-based applications and integrated web-based services that help businesses carry out their daily processes.
    • Gained experience with the roles of CSS, HTML, and JavaScript and how they interact with the web.
    • Learned to perform small functions using loops, arrays, conditional statements, data validation, responsive web design, and making API calls.
  • Data and Analytics
    • Experienced how to navigate and query relational and NoSQL databases to support applications.
    • Gained experience with data analytics software such as SQL, R, R Studio, and Tableau.

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