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Interesting Facts

Movie(s) I have watched over and over: Whisper of the Heart, Howl’s Moving Castle, Spirit Away, Your Name, Link Click, etc.

TV show(s) I’m watching right now: I am currently watching a Chinese show named Reset. It is about a group of people who experiences a time loop after a horrendous bus accident.

Places I have lived: I was born in New York and raised in Philadelphia. 

Pets: I have a turtle pet back in elementary school. However, my mom gave it away because she cannot handle the smell of the turtle food. 

Apps I visit daily: Canvas, Notion, Google, Google Drive, and Google Docs. 

Favorite things to do outside of school & work: I love to read Chinese novels in my spare time because I like to learn more about my own culture and learn new characters and idioms. 

My proudest atypical accomplishment: I read a novel that is about 6000 chapters. 

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