Community Platform
  • Business analysis
  • Business process analysis
  • Cloud computing
  • Data analytics
  • more...
This Year
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1940 Points
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Not Available
  • Participation 21
    • AIS Mentorship ProgramSpring 2020
      Spring 2019
      Fall 2018

    • Spring 2020 adjustmentSpring 2020

    • AIS Technical Development TrackFall 2018

    • AIS Speaker Series TrackFall 2018

    • IBIT small group meeting with industryFall 2018
      Fall 2018
      Spring 2018
      Spring 2018
      Spring 2018
      Spring 2018

    • IBIT challenge or conferenceSpring 2018
      Fall 2017

    • IT Career FairFall 2018
      Fall 2017

    • Win at AIS national competitionSpring 2018

    • National AIS CompetitionSpring 2018

    • Lunch With James Rhee Spring 2018

    • Other Career FairFall 2017
      Spring 2017

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