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PBL State Leadership Conference

On March 28, 2022, I competed in the Future Business Leaders of America – Phi Beta Lambda’s PA State Leadership Conference and won 1st place in the Information Management competitive event. As a result COVID, the conference was virtual. Thus, there was no physical certificate given to winning members. On April 2, 2022  a virtual Zoom awards ceremony occurred containing PA PBL members where the national leaders announced each winner per category.

The competitive event was a standardized test-style examination involving information management, which is the infrastructure used to collect, manage, preserve, store and deliver information. In addition, the examination contained an essay portion where I described how information to support decision making processes. While studying for the examination, I gained a deeper understanding of the uses of information and how information serves management. This exam relates to my career as I am entering the technology consulting industry. Consultants and MIS professionals provide expert opinions, analysis, and recommendations to companies based on the information they acquire. As a result, I am able to use the knowledge I gained from the competition to ask more intuitive questions in my MIS courses and full time consulting position.

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