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Voicing Conviction: Keys to Persuading IT Risk Management Decision Makers

  1. Title of the activity- Voicing Conviction: Keys to Persuading IT Risk Management Decision Makers.
  2. Term of the activity-Spring 2022
  3. Name of sponsoring organization- Not sure of sponsoring orgs, Guest speaker was Orlando Barone
  4. Details of the activity (e.g., where, when)- Occurred on January 13th on zoom.
  5. What you learned- Different ways of assessing Risk Management within a certain situation, keeping confidence within your decisions in a business environment and professionally creating a supporting argument for them, as well as different strategies to use when doing so and appearing confident throughout the process.
  6. How the activity relates to coursework or your career goals- This relates to my career goals as something I\\\\\\\’d hope to work in one day would be cybersecurity. In such it will be vital to take initiative within my own decisions and create convincing results to further my decisions.
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